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Covid-19 has been at the forefront of every conversation, and it is no surprise that many people are concerned about how the virus will effect the upcoming summer swim season.  As most people already know, the CDC states there is no evidence the virus that causes COVID-19 can be spread to people through properly maintained water in pools, hot tubs, spas or water play areas.


While we patiently wait for the governor’s office to hand down new guidance, it is best to not wait any longer to discuss what is already considered by most experts to be the best way forward.  Per Governor Kemps Executive Order, no public pool may open to in-person use until May 14, 2020, or later if the Order is extended.  At this time, there is no indication that the order will be extended and no indication that further guidance will be issued before your pools start to open.  As such, we are recommending that when you open your facilities, you open them with social distancing and enhanced sanitation in mind.


In order to facilitate this for our clients, we wanted to be prepared with a solution that would provide a safe, recreational activity for homeowners during this difficult time. With that goal in mind, Nautix launched a reservation-based software program in early April that would allow HOA members to reserve swim time at the pool, while also facilitating potential social distancing recommendations that may be in place as we approached summer. We called it the Nautix Reserve & Relax program.


This turnkey program was designed with the assumption that social distancing guidelines would be handed down and as a general best practice for those communities who wanted to continue to do as much as possible to help prevent the spread of Covid-19.  The Nautix R & R program addresses many of the most common preventative actions recommended by the CDC, current Executive Orders, and our own trade organizations. We see now that many others are following this model and we are pleased to see how our industry is developing creative solutions to serve our communities.


There are several ways to open your pool and to do it safely.  In general, we advise that if you open the pool you do it with reduced occupancy, using a sign up or reservation system, limiting the amount of furniture on your deck, facilitating an enhanced sanitation program to clean hard surfaces around the pool, and encouraging social distancing between non cohabitating individuals. 


As part of a larger community, we are here to assist anyone who has questions about the opening of their community pool. Feel free to call on us if we can be of any guidance and we hope you are all staying healthy! 


Click here for the Nautix R&R FAQ Page.


For potential basic templates on COVID-19 Pool Signage, click here. 



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